Associate of Arts in History


The mission of the Associate of Arts in History program is to introduce students to an understanding of what history is and how historians practice it as a discipline; the differences among various peoples and cultures; and the importance of cause and consequence in historical actions, with an ultimate goal to prepare students for continued academic work in the discipline.

Associate of Arts in Music


The mission of the Associate of Arts in Music program is to provide a rigorous, student-focused curriculum aligned with national accreditation standards, preparing students for arts-related careers, transfer to baccalaureate programs, or as a minor for other degrees. It is highly recommended that students intending to major in music, have studied voice or an instrument with a qualified teacher. Audition with Music Faculty prior to admission to the AA in Mus. and B.Mus. degrees. Admission to the University Ensembles and eligibility for scholarships for music majors, minors, and students of other majors is by audition only.



The mission of the Theatre program is to prepare students for a career in the theatrical arts as an actor or director; to prepare students for graduate study in the theatrical arts; to use the theatrical arts as an avocation; or to use related theatrical skills as an adjunct to other professional careers. Theatre courses provide students a philosophical and historical appreciation of dramatic art and literature as an integral part of world culture. The Theatre program is designed to accomplish the following: produce a highly literate, well-read individual who possesses the knowledge of many diverse subject areas; permit the student to obtain a working knowledge of specific theatrical data and skills for subsequent academic or professional career pursuits; and prepare the student for active participation in live performance experiences through the university theatrical productions.

General Studies


The Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in General Studies allows students to develop a wide range of interests and talents within the academic setting. Students need to pay careful attention to upper level prerequisites as well as a cohesive plan of work. Internships are encouraged to help provide focus to the student’s overall plan.



The mission of the English program is to provide verbal and written communication skills to prepare students for careers in law, communication, education, business and technical writing, or for graduate studies in the humanities or social sciences.

Master of Arts in Education: Professional Studies

Master of Arts in Teaching: Emphasis in Early Childhood Education

Master of Arts in Teaching: Emphasis in Elementary Education