The Final Steps to Graduation

The Final Steps to Graduation

By: Lauren Gregory, ’18, ’20

Congrats soon to be graduate!

You have worked hard for four years to reach this moment of great achievement! Before you cross that final finish line, aka the graduation stage, make sure that you don’t miss out on the final few important steps.

First, keep checking your email! There is going to be a lot of specific information about the final steps sent to you through email by your professors, the registrar, and the dean of students that you don’t want to miss!

Next, make sure you attend Grad Finale! It’s like a mini celebration for graduation and an opportunity to get your graduation supplies ordered like robes, invitations, rings, and even a cap and gown photo. You won’t want to miss it!

Grad Finale for fall graduates is December 3rd from 10-2 in the upstairs Labry Atrium, and the next one for Spring graduates is February 4th from 12-5. 

The most important step is to fill out an intent to graduate form with the Registrar’s office. That way, an evaluation can be done on all of your credits to make sure you have taken everything to satisfy the requirement to get your degree.

This is your big moment to enjoy all of the hard work you have put in, and for your family and friends to celebrate with you. Keep in mind that this is really just the beginning of many great experiences to come. You now have your whole life ahead of you and you are fully equipped with the skills necessary to navigate the road ahead. 

My last bit of advice is to stay involved with your CU family. Join the Alumni Association, go to networking events, and be sure to utilize the connections you’ve made over the last four years with professors and staff to help you succeed in your career field. 

Congratulations graduates! It’s time to rise!


News / Blog / The Final Steps to Graduation