Donzaleigh graduated from CU in 2002 with her Bachelor’s in Business Administration with a minor in Management and 2017 with her Master’s of Public Service Management. She is a CEO of her company D-ConneX, LLC. She successfully runs multiple companies including a consulting firm and photography business and is also a surety bonding broker.
What were you involved in at CU? I was the President of the African American Student Association.
How has Cumberland impacted you? I love Cumberland. I think the professors took time to help develop us and the small classroom sizes helped me to be able to have a great experience.
What did you learn at CU that still impacts you today? My very first class freshman year was Philosophy, the professor challenged our thinking and I can remember becoming upset about the topic being discussed. From that day forward, I learned the need to seek to understand others perspectives which has served me well!
Are there any professors or classmates who impacted your journey? In undergrad, Mr. McShain taught Legal and he was my favorite professor. I loved that class so much and looking back, I’m sure I got on my classmates nerves by raising my hand first for every question. In graduate school, Dr. McKee and Dr. Cummings were the best and I love them both. They made me feel like I had so much potential to do great things and thankfully, I have.
What do you know now that you wish you had known when you were a student? I wish I had realized the importance of networking at that age. Professionally, I’m constantly networking and meeting new people. Back in those days, I was very quiet around people I didn’t know and missed opportunities to connect with more professors, staff, and students.
My favorite quote is: “One’s connection to the people depends on the ability to see through the lens of similarity. A smile and a wave are universal.” -Donzaleigh Powell