Choosing the right college can be an intimidating task. Should you pick a school that’s far away or close to home? Public or private? A small college or a large university? At Cumberland University, our small campus promotes a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, where you will never be just another number!
Here are some additional benefits of attending a small university:
1. Small class sizes
It’s rare to find yourself in a lecture hall surrounded by hundreds of other students. Instead, class sizes are kept small. Cumberland’s student-to-faculty ratio is 17:1, which means you will have more opportunities to participate in class. Hands-on activities are often more manageable in a small class and provide a deeper learning experience.
2. All teaching is done by professors
At large universities, classes may not be taught by an actual professor. A Teaching Assistant will lead course discussions or even manage some of the professor’s grading. At a smaller university, professors lead courses and grade student’s work.
3. One-on-one time with faculty and staff
Professors will also have more time to work with students individually. Professor office hours are less likely to be booked up. You can create meaningful connections with faculty and staff as they guide your education and prepare you for your career field.
4. You will always see a familiar face
One of the best aspects of attending a small university is that you have a greater chance of running into your friends on campus. Whether you are walking through the quad or in line at the dining hall, you will surely see friendly faces. You may not know everyone on campus, but you will get to know more people than if you were on a large campus. Your school’s community will become your family away from home.
5. Everything is close by
Got class at 9 a.m. and another one across campus at 10 a.m.? This isn’t a problem on a small campus. At Cumberland, most academic halls are within short walking distance from one another, so students don’t feel rushed as they go from class to class. This also means that it’s not necessary to have a car on campus to get around.
6. More opportunity, less competition
Colleges of all sizes are likely to have great opportunities for research, internships and leadership. At a small school, these opportunities are easier to come by because you don’t have to compete with as many students.
7. You will be treated as a person, not a number
You won’t be just another number. And you won’t get lost in a sea of hundreds of students in a lecture hall. At a small university, your professors will know your name, and you’ll be able to make an impact on campus as a leader.