Master of Public Service Management


The Master of Public Service Management (MSP) degree is offered as a part of Cumberland University’s institutional outreach to provide opportunities for advanced study in fields appropriate to the needs of the community. The program seeks to provide individuals who have attained the baccalaureate degree, in any field, with an opportunity to acquire advanced expertise while continuing to work full-time during the period of enrollment. The program of study was instituted in 1996 with the first graduates receiving the Master of Public Service Management degree at the May, 1998, graduation. Enrollment in the M.S.P. degree program is limited. Students who enter the two-year program will attend classes for 5 consecutive semesters, usually sequenced fall-spring-summer-fall-spring. Primarily, students are admitted for the incoming class during the fall semester, but other admitted students may become part of the program on a space available basis in other terms.

General Studies


The Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in General Studies allows students to develop a wide range of interests and talents within the academic setting. Students need to pay careful attention to upper level prerequisites as well as a cohesive plan of work. Internships are encouraged to help provide focus to the student’s overall plan.

Sports Management


The mission of the Cumberland University Master of Arts with a major in Sport Management program is to prepare students for advanced careers in the sport industry. Graduates in our program will represent an advanced level of skills in Sport Management education as required by key graduate level content areas of the Common Professional Component (CPC) prescribed by the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA), a commission of the North American Society of Sport Management (NASSM), as it relates to content for the Master’s level NASSM Standards.