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Associate Professor of Special Education, Academic Area Leader of Education
(615) 547-1327
Bone Hall, Room 101
The Millard and JJ Oakley School of Humanities, Education and the Arts
B.S., Tennessee Technological University
M.A., Tennessee Technological University
Ed.S., Tennessee Technological University
Ed.D., Tennessee State University

Prior to becoming a higher education faculty member, Dr. Sandy Smith taught twenty years in the P-12 setting.  She served as an elementary, special education, gifted and adult education teacher. Her areas of interest include special education, diversity, assessment, and literacy.  She has co-authored a number of college-level texts including The Student Teaching and Field Experience Handbook (7th edition), Teaching Reading in the Today’s Middle Schools (1st edition), Teaching Through Stories, Yours, Mine and Theirs (1st edition), and Teaching Reading in Today’s Elementary Schools (9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th editions). 

Dr. Smith is actively involved in a variety of professional organizations, including the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), The Tennessee Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators (TACTE), the Association for Supervision and Curriculum (ASCD), the International Literacy Association (ILA), and the Literacy Association of Tennessee (LAT).  Currently in LAT, Dr. Smith is a member of the Board of Directors holds the state leadership position of Treasurer.    

At Cumberland University, Dr. Smith teaches undergraduate and graduate-level courses for candidates seeking teacher licensure.  She teaches courses related to collaboration, special education, English as a Second Language (ESL), and literacy and provides support for candidates in numerous field and clinical experiences.  She advises licensure candidates seeking endorsements in special education, elementary education, and ESL.

Dr. Smith serves as the program director for the Master of Arts in Teaching program. She participates in a number of campus-wide committees, including the CU Colloquium Planning Committee.  Dr. Smith often presents professional development programs for area school systems and serves on a number of state-level committees organized by the Tennessee State Department of Education.  

Dr. Smith lives in Overton County with her husband of 47 years, David.  They have two sons, Dustin and Tyler, a daughter-in-law, Mandy, a grandson, Marek, one Siberian Husky dog and four cats.  




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Assistant Professor of English
Memorial Hall, Room 200B
The Millard and JJ Oakley School of Humanities, Education and the Arts
B.A., Alvernia College
M.A., Claremont School of Theology
M.A., University of Leeds (United Kingdom)
Ph.D., University of Leeds (United Kingdom)

Rory Sellgren earned a B.A. in English and Theology from Alvernia College in 2005. He then finished two M.A. degrees in New Testament studies from the Claremont School of Theology (in Claremont, CA) and Medieval Studies from the University of Leeds (in Yorkshire, UK) between 2009 and 2010.

Sellgren began teaching as an adjunct professor at Alvernia University (nee College) in 2011. He split his teaching load between Foundations of Theology and English Composition and Research. His passion for medieval literature, especially Dante’s Commedia, brought him back to the University of Leeds in 2013 to begin his doctoral studies.

Sellgren’s Ph.D. research took an interdisciplinary approach to consider the influence of St. Augustine of Hippo’s Biblical hermeneutics on Dante’s Commedia. (Fancy words for answering the question: “Where is Jesus Christ in the Divine Comedy, and what’s he doing?”). While he did not acquire a Yorkshire accent during his time in The North, he developed his passions for football, proper full English breakfasts, assorted brews, rainy and gray days, and choir singing.

Upon the completion of his studies, Sellgren returned to the United States and resumed teaching theology and English composition courses at Alvernia University and, later, at Albright College (both located in Reading, PA). He moved to Middle Tennessee and joined the Cumberland University faculty as an adjunct professor in 2019, teaching English Composition I & II. He became a full-time faculty member in 2022. Sellgren welcomes any and all opportunities to teach Dante, be it in a special topic course or World Literature course.

Outside of the classroom, Sellgren is devoted to spending time with his partner, family, and his pet cats (he’s a proud “cat-dad”). He is also an avid LEGO collector and fan. He looks forward to the day he can rejoin a church choir and finally finish the multiple Dante research projects he has stashed on his computer… As well as finding spare time to build his hobbies.


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Assistant Professor of Mathematics
(615) 453-6308
Labry Hall 234
The Labry School of Science, Technology, and Business
B.S., State University of New York, Fredonia
M.S., Middle Tennessee State University

Milton Sager earned his Bachelor of Science from the State University of New York (SUNY) Fredonia College (2010) with a major in Mathematics. He earned a Master of Arts from MTSU (2013) in Applied Mathematics. His thesis was the research and development of a Switched Reluctance In-Wheel Hub Motor which was the first interdepartmental thesis between the Math and Engineering departments at MTSU. The concept was to put an electric motor inside the rear wheel of a motorcycle eliminating the gasoline engine. He began teaching at Cumberland University in August 2015. Prior to this he had taught at Middle Tennessee State University, Nashville State Community College, and Belmont University.

Other than teaching math, his hobbies include backpacking, collecting vintage Star Wars memorabilia, and woodworking. He has consulted several small businesses such as B&B Metal Works, Paul’s Rocket Stoves, and a few cottage backpacking gear startups on the math and engineering aspects of some of their projects. He and his wife have two children and he runs a men’s small group through his Church.



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Professor of Business
(615) 453-6304
Bone Hall, Room 206
The Labry School of Science, Technology, and Business
B.A., University of Virginia
M.B.A., Old Dominion University
Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park

Stephen P. Shao, Jr. is a college professor/administrator, researcher and technical consultant.   He joined Cumberland University as a full time faculty member in 2017 after serving as an adjunct instructor for several years.  Dr. Shao holds a Ph.D. degree in Management Science from the University of Maryland, an M.B.A. in Business Administration from Old Dominion University, and a B.A. in Mathematics from the University of Virginia.  He has received additional training from courses, institutes and industry workshops at the University of Minnesota, AT&T Bell Laboratories and Bell Northern Research.

Dr. Shao has served as a faculty member and taught graduate and undergraduate courses in mathematics, computer information systems, marketing research, project management, operations management and economics at universities in Maryland, Tennessee, and Virginia.  Dr. Shao is a former director of two university research centers and currently serves as founding editor of the CU Labry School’s business publication Wilson County Trends and founding program director of the school’s supply chain management curriculum.  Before his current academic activities, Dr. Shao was employed in the telecommunications industry as a member of technical staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories in Holmdel, NJ and later as Senior Manager of Strategic Network Planning for the Canadian telecom manufacturer NorTel Networks’ U.S. operations headquartered in Nashville, TN.

Dr. Shao’s research efforts have been supported by a variety of sources, including grants received from the National Institutes of Health, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Tennessee Valley Authority, IBM Corporation, Dell Foundation, BellSouth Foundation, AOL Foundation, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, Baltimore Regional Planning Council, and others.   In addition to serving on numerous national, state and local advisory boards, Dr. Shao has authored over 150 published articles and conference presentations. Past awards and professional memberships include a AT&T Special Telecollaboration Award, Tennessee Governor’s Certificate of Appreciation, IEEE Society; National Engineering Consortium; Institute of Management Science; International Teleconferencing Association; Who’s Who in Technology Today; International Who’s Who; Tennessee Association of Independent Colleges and Schools and Omega Rho Honorary Society.  



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Instructor of Nursing
(615) 547-1339
McFarland Hall, Room 1105
The Jeanette C. Rudy School of Nursing and Health Professions
B.S., Western Kentucky University
B.S.N., Belmont University
M.S.N., Belmont University

Mrs. Amy Robertson was appointed to the faculty of the Jeanette C. Rudy School of Nursing and Health Professions in the fall of 2021. 

Mrs. Robertson is a two-time graduate of Belmont University, having earned her Master of Science in Nursing degree in December 2013 and her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree in December 2007. She also earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and Chemistry from Western Kentucky University in December 1995.

Currently, Mrs. Robertson teaches the Nursing in Child and Family Care course, Pediatric In-patient Clinical, and Health Assessment Laboratory. 

Prior to her appointment to the faculty at Cumberland University, Mrs. Robertson worked for seven years as a Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner in the Department of Pediatrics at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, TN. During her time at Vanderbilt, she served as the clinical coordinator for a clinical research team in the Division of Genetics and Genomic Medicine. Her team serves as one of twelve clinical teams of the NIH funded Undiagnosed Diseases Network, evaluating patients whose conditions have evaded diagnosis and partnering with a team of scientists seeking to understand how specific genetic changes contribute to disease. While working in the Division of Genetics, Mrs. Robertson provided clinical consultation services for patients with suspected neurofibromatosis, Marfan syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, congenital hearing impairment, developmental delays, and abnormal TN State Newborn Screen results. 

Prior to this, Mrs. Robertson spent six years as a Registered Nurse at the bedside in Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt (VCH). During that time, she achieved designation as a Certified Pediatric Nurse, RN level 3, and received the honor of Preceptor of the Year from VCH’s Pediatric Nurse Residency Program. Mrs. Robertson is a member of both the Tennessee Nurses Association and American Nurses Association as well as the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society.

Prior to her nursing career, Mrs. Robertson, served for nine years as a campus minister at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina and internationally in Russia. Mrs. Robertson is interested in promoting healthy growth and development of children, adolescents, and young adults. She is passionate about patient education and family centered care. She and her husband have been involved with the foster care system in Tennessee through their local church and desire to see children and families strengthened with the healing love of Jesus Christ.


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Associate Professor of Biology, Academic Area Leader of Science
(615) 547-1262
Memorial Hall, Room 309C
The Labry School of Science, Technology, and Business
B.S., Middle Tennessee State University
M.S., Middle Tennessee State University
Ph.D., University of California, Merced

Dr. Julie Baker Phillips is an Associate Professor of Biology and the Bobby Nichols Professorship holder at Cumberland University. She joined the faculty in fall of 2017. Prior to coming to Cumberland, she completed her undergraduate degree in mathematics at Middle Tennessee State University. After completing her baccalaureate, she stayed at MTSU to complete her masters degree in biology, studying reproductive and stress physiology of the eastern fence lizard under the supervision of Matthew Klukowski. She then moved to California to complete her doctorate in Quantitative and Systems Biology at the University of California, Merced, under the supervision of David Ardell. Her dissertation, entitled “Evolution of Eukaryotic Transfer Ribonucleic Acid|” searched for footprints of functional constraints highlighting patterns of evolutionary change in transfer RNA (tRNA) in Drosophila. Upon returning to Tennessee, she started as a postdoc in the Rokas lab at Vanderbilt University, where she focused on uncovering genes associated with variation in birth timing as well as molecular evolution of gene families associated with negative pregnancy outcomes under a grant from the March of Dimes.

Dr. Phillips is currently conducting research evolution of reproductive life history traits as well as continuing to investigate the evolutionary history of interesting gene families. She is always seeking motivated students to mentor in research. In addition to teaching and research, Dr. Phillips enjoys providing theatrical science demonstrations free of charge to area elementary schools. 

Professional and organizational affiliations include Sigma Xi, the Society for Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health, and the Tennessee Academy of Sciences.



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Executive Director of Student Support and Instructor
(615) 453-6344
Learning and Career Commons, Room 212
Office of Enrollment, Admissions, and Student Financial Services
B.S. Berry College
M.A., Shorter University

Ms. Abby Pitts began at Cumberland University in fall of 2018 as the Director of Student Retention and TN Promise Support. She also teaches Foundations of Scholarship and Learning. Prior to arriving at Cumberland, Ms. Pitts served as the Associate Director of Financial Aid at University of the Cumberlands, where she oversaw reconciliation efforts as well as financial aid administration across all campus populations. In addition, Ms. Pitts taught Career and Leadership courses.

Prior to her arrival at the University of the Cumberlands, she was the Advising Coordinator at Shorter University, where she coordinated all academic advising efforts on campus and worked with first year students. Her own advising efforts centered on ensuring success of the academically at-risk student population. Ms. Pitts’ experiences in assisting incoming freshman with financial aid completion, as well as advising students while completing degree requirements, fueled a lifelong passion for ensuring all students have the opportunity to reach their goal of being a college graduate.

Ms. Pitts holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a Marketing Concentration. Her graduate education is a Master of Arts in Leadership, which encompassed organizational leadership across disciplines. She has been a member of various professional academic advising and financial aid associations. In her spare time, Ms. Pitts enjoys spending time with her husband, three daughters, and dog.



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Assistant Professor of Education
The Millard and JJ Oakley School of Humanities, Education and the Arts
B.S., Lipscomb University
M.S., University of Tennessee Knoxville
M.Ed., CArson-Newman University
Ed.D., Lipscomb University

Dr. Michael Pigg joined Cumberland University in Fall of 2021 as Director of the Master of Arts in Education Program and Assistant Professor of Education. Currently he is serving as a part-time faculty member teaching graduate educational courses. Having spent the past nineteenyears as a Tennessee educator, Dr. Pigg’s career combines successful university and secondary mathematics teaching experiences with consistently effective school leadership at the elementary and secondary levels. 

Dr. Pigg began his career in K-12 as part of the Carter High School mathematics department in Knox County Schools, where he served on the Leadership Team and chaired the school’s Grading Practices Committee.  Dr. Pigg also served as a math instructor in a variety of undergraduate settings, including Lipscomb University, the University of Tennessee, and South College, Knoxville. 

For 10 years, Dr. Pigg served as a building-level principal in Wilson County Schools and the Lebanon Special School District, most recently serving as principal of Castle Heights Elementary.  In that time, he has developed a broad network of relationships with local school teachers and leaders.  These relationships have been cultivated through a variety of collaborative experiences, including serving on district level committees, presenting at both the district and state levels, and supporting or leading various aspects of Wilson County Schools’ leadership development programs for aspiring leaders.

Dr. Pigg has an extensive background relative to teacher evaluation, assessment, and the use of data to foster improvements in student outcomes.  His initial training in the Tennessee teacher evaluation rubrics took place in 2011, the same year Tennessee schools first implemented the TEAM teacher evaluation model still in use today.  His background in mathematics allows him to consistently analyze evaluation and assessment data for the purpose of informing and improving teacher instructional practices over time.  Dr. Pigg’s dissertation research focused on retention and effectiveness of early career teachers, as measured by TEAM teacher evaluation data, as well as the impact of mentoring programs on the early career teacher experience.

Dr. Pigg’s other passions include supporting the College Hills Church of Christ and other nonprofits including the Sara Walker Foundation and Compassionate Hands.  Dr. Pigg previously served as a board member of the Sara Walker Foundation and traveled to Malawi, Africa as a part of multiple mission teams focused on providing training to local Malawian teachers as well as tutoring and support services for students housed at Mtendere Orphanage.

Dr. Pigg lives in Murfreesboro with Stephanie, his wife of 20 years, and their four children Carter, Alex, Lucas, and Bailey, and is currently a faculty member at Trevecca Nazarene University.   



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Professor of English and Creative Writing
(615) 547-1329
Memorial Hall, Room 210B
The Millard and JJ Oakley School of Humanities, Education and the Arts
B.A., Sam Houston State University
M.A., Texas A & M University, College Station
Ph.D., Wayne State University

Dr. Rex’s areas of interest fall mainly in British and World Literature particularly 16th, 17th, & 18th-century British Literature and Culture. In addition to British Literature courses and First Year Composition, he teaches courses in Creative Writing, Women’s Literature, Queer Theory, Classical and Early Modern World Literature, Linguistics, Native American Literature, Science Fiction, Fantasy, as well as Harry Potter, and Superheroes in Literature and Film. Lots of Reading – Exercise for the Brain, but Massive Fun!

Dr. Rex holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and History from Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, TX, with a Master of Arts in English with concentrations in 17th century British Literature, Rhetoric & Composition, and ELL from Texas A&M University. His PhD, concentrations in 17th & 18th century British and Medieval and Arthurian Literature, comes from Wayne State University in Detroit, MI.

As a playwright, Michael Rex has had several plays locally produced. Letters to God was part of Out Front on Main’s Anti-Gay Bullying Campaign Bully This! In April 2013, Nice Girls Don’t played to sold out houses for three weeks at Lakewood Theatre and again at Encore Theatre in the Spring of 2015. My Mama Says, a play about 11 African American women in the Civil Rights Era was produced at Encore Theatre Company in May 2014. A Merry Little Christmas was produced at Out Front on Main in Dec 2015. His adaptations of Shakespeare – The 12th of Whatever, Something’s Up, Maybe?, The Merry Wives of Nashville, and, We’re Even Now – are all well received. Somebody’s Baby – a play about five African American women dealing with losing family members to police violence won the Best Original Play in Middle TN 2017. Current projects include A Newer Way to Pay Old Debts and The Red Queen’s Dilemma.