Angel Tree & Toy Drive Donations

Student Life Office

Bring any new and unwrapped toy for a child from 0-12 years old to benefit local children in need through the Wilson County Christmas for All Program. We have angel tree names on the trees

Mental Health Resource Table-SGA

Memorial Hall Lebanon, TN, United States

SGA will be handing out resource cards for mental health issues and awareness about Cumberland University resources as well as local and national ones also.

FREE Lunch by BCM

BCM House

All students are welcome to stop by the BCM Center every Tuesday for free lunch and fellowship anytime from 11am-1pm. Sponsored by Baptist Collegiate Ministries. Contact Nathan at with any questions.

Sigma Tau Delta- Reading of Beowulf

around the Fire Pit

drinks and refreshments will be served. It is a come and go event sponsored by Sigma Tau Delta (English Honor Society).

Christmas Cabaret

June and Bill Heydel Fine Arts Center 201 Cumberland Dr, Lebanon, TN, United States

BCM Acoustic Worship Night

Baird Chapel 50 Haley Ln, Lebanon, TN, United States

BCM Acoustic Worship NightBaptist Collegiate Ministries host Bible Study Night with Worship songs each week at 7:30pm each Tuesday evening at Immanuel Baptist Church just down the street. Contact Nathan at with any questions.

Chair Yoga

MH 201

Open to CU Faculty, Staff, and students.  If MH 201 is booked, we will use another location if needed. Sponsored by The Art of Life.