1500 Ribbons Promote Unity and Gratitude


In a time when it seems that there is nothing but distressing news in the media, and protests on campuses, Cumberland University students have found another outlet for their voices. Nestled in the rolling hills of Middle Tennessee in Lebanon, over 1500 ribbons of Gratitude, ‘Gratitude on the Green,’ hang in the middle of the campus and will be displayed through Thanksgiving weekend.

‘Our students, like many students across other campuses, feel the strain of our political banter, war, and the uncertainty of the future. It is very easy to point out what is wrong, but sometimes difficult to focus on something good. At this Thanksgiving season, we needed to pay attention to our abundance,’ said Assistant Professor Peg Fredi, author of the project.

Students, faculty, staff, and even the preschoolers on campus were given ribbons of fabric on which to write something they were grateful for. The colorful strips were then hung on clotheslines among the trees in the center of campus. The connecting lines symbolize a common thread of our unity and connectedness of all people.

Gratitude ribbon messages range from ‘family,’ and ‘friends,’ to more global issues such as ‘clean water,’ ‘independence,’ ‘education,’ and ‘our right to choose.’ One of the preschool children wrote, ‘I’m glad I was born,’ and another, ‘I’m happy I’m not a turkey on Thanksgiving.’ Fredi added, ‘It takes courage to be thankful and people on this campus have taken steps to let everyone know what gratitude is all about.’

For more information contact Peg Fredi, pfredi@cumberland.edu.


News / Press / 1500 Ribbons Promote Unity and Gratitude