Restorative Nidra: A Relax & Unwind Session with The Art of Life

Bloom Yoga and Natural Health Community 440 Park Ave, Lebanon, TN, United States

Join The Art of Life Mindfulness Program at Bloom Yoga Studio to deeply relax and unwind with gently supported restorative yoga poses to release deeply held physical tension. The second half of the class is

Free Pizza -Study Break

LCC Lobby

sponsored by Student Life for exam week study break

Fuel Up for Finals- Free Snacks

Memorial Hall lobby

Stop by Memorial Hall and Fuel Up for Finals each morning of exam week from 7:30 - 11 AM (or until gone) on December 4 - 7th. Treats are courtesy of Lebanon First United Methodist Church

MATH Lab- LH 117

Labry Hall 117

Cindy ConleyOfficeofStudentSuccess@cumberland.eduMath Lab happens from 3:30-9:30pm Monday-Thursday and 12-3 on Fridays

MATH Lab- LH 117

Labry Hall 117

Cindy ConleyOfficeofStudentSuccess@cumberland.eduMath Lab happens from 3:30-9:30pm Monday-Thursday and 12-3 on Fridays

Culture Connect Club

Black Box Theatre

Regular Meeting each Thursday for Cultural Connect Club Brima Kamara Aime Tuyisunge

BLW Bible Study Group-LH 209

LH 209

Every Thursday bible Study Ben Nyakudya